Using a DSLR (canon eos 550D)

Once you have the camera set up on a tripod you to turn it on and set it on video mode.  Fig 1 clearly shows the on/off switch and the mode wheel that is used to turn on video mode.  Video mode is the one that looks like an old style movie camera.

Fig 1

The wheel above the ISO button (Fig 1) is your only control wheel and controls shutter speed, Aperture and ISO.  To control shutter speed simply turn the wheel and you will notice the value on the bottom right of the display (Fig 3) change from 30 to 60 and higher. To change Aperture press and hold the Av button (Fig 2) while rolling the wheel (Fig 1), watch the value at the bottom of the display (eg 5.6) change (Fig 3).  To change the gain value simply press the ISO button and roll the wheel, notice the ISO value change as you do this.
Fig 2
To record, press the button with the red dot by it (Fig 2)
Fig 3
The lens will allow you to focus and zoom manually.  To focus you will need to first make sure that auto focus it turned off by making sure that the switch in fig 4 is set to MF and not AF

Fig 4
To shoot in slowmotion you will need to set the camera up to shoot at 50 frames a second.  To do this you will have to enter the menu and change the movie record size setting to 1280x720 50.

Fig 5

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